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Cycling Snacks | The Best Energy Bars For Your Jersey Pocket

Cycling Snacks | The Best Energy Bars For Your Jersey Pocket

When hunger strikes and you’re out on your big ride, you want to make sure your jersey pockets are filled with energising snacks that don’t squash or turn into a liquid mess.

This is what the expert & experienced cyclist, Tommy Matthews (Master Trainer @ BMF Fitness), has to say on choosing the best snacks for your next long ride:

You should try to consume 30-60g of carbohydrate an hour as a target during longer training rides. As the body can absorb this amount & use it for energy on the move.
High sugar snacks aren't always the best. As the level of intensity on the bike, means there is a high glycemic load when using high sugar snacks which can effect the utilisation of fat as a fuel during endurance rides.
Finding a a balanced snack with fats in will reduce the impact of sugars present.

How to stay properly fuelled on your longer rides?

Proper nutrition is key to maintaining energy throughout your bike ride.

When exercising, your body is largely fuelled by carbohydrates. Some carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, but you need to continue fuelling your body during a long ride.

Starting with a full tank and keeping hydrated are important, but the longer you ride and the more hills you power up, the more you depend on snacks to keep your energy up.

So, keep snacks on board for any bike ride over an hour.

What makes a good biking snack is about more than just energy. It needs to be portable, provide your muscles with the nutrients they need, eaten on a good schedule and can't melt.

Pack more snacks than you think you need, and, in general, aim to have a few bites of food and a few sips of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.

Emily Child @ Attacus Cycling

Emily Childs @ Attacus Cycling

We caught up with Emily Childs, the founder of British Cycle wear brand Attacus Cycling, and asked:

What do you look for when choosing your snacks for your next big ride?

Something tasty. It can be the most nutritious thing in the world, but if it doesn’t taste good I’m not going back for seconds.

Also something with plenty of carbs that’s easy to carry in a jersey pocket and chew while riding.

What is your favourite snack for cycling?

Clif bars are definitely my favourite. The chocolate chip or crunchy peanut butter are my usual go-to.

The best thing about them for cycling is that they’re not sticky and they don’t melt - which is key when they have to spend a good few hours in a sweaty pocket on my back.

I’ll often unwrap them at home, chop them into bite-sized pieces and put them straight into my jersey pocket which makes them really handy to grab while you’re riding and means you don’t have to faff about with wrappers.

If you want to read more about what Emily has to say about starting your own business & the skills required as a founder then click here to read Emily’s full founders interview.

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Best Snacks for Cycling


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